School of African, Cuban, Latin and Indian Rhythms und Percussion
African Video Clips (Youtube)
Das anschauen von Musik-Videos ist sehr empfehlenswert, da Technik, Musikalität
und vieles mehr ersicht-lich wird und beim Studium eines Instrumentes absolut hilfreich
und wegweisend sein kann. Vor allem auf die Handpositionen gilt es zu achten, da
neben der Rhythmiklehre dort ein wesentlicher Teil der Arbeit liegt.
We recommend that you carefully study appropriate music videos that showcase typical
aspects of a genre, such as techniques, feel and of course the joy and power of
performances. This can really help and guide you when learning an instrument. Pay
close attention to the correct hand positions, as these are as important to percussionists
as the actual mastering of rhythms!
The video clips are divided into different categories and there are brief captions
for each video clip about the musicians, places and their work. The videos mainly
feature djembé playing and drumming in Africa (Click on the pictures or the titles to get to the video section).